Practical information - Short presentations
FELLMAN HALL - University of Lapland
Arrive to the lecture hall. Be on time!
9.00 - 9.45
Day Opening and Rovaniemi City Greetings
Johanna Tikkanen, City of Rovaniemi
Café Lingua
Laura Senni, University Teacher, Language Centre
Stephanie Sieng, University Teacher, Language Centre
Peter Sippel, University Teacher, Language Centre
9.45 - 10.15
Health care services, Private health care providers and cases of emergency
Tijl Van Daal, Advisor, Internationalisation Services
10.45 - 11.30
Stay well! Students' Welfare at Rovaniemi and Kemi campuses and Rovaniemi Congregation
Well-being services of Lapland University of Applied Sciences and University of Lapland video
Rainer Väänänen, Campus Pastor, Rovaniemi parish
11.30 - 12.00
Local Friend Program - ESN Lapland
Adrien Fontenaud, ESN Lapland
Join Online: ZOOM (Passcode: 593032)
12.00 - 13.00