The HIPE research project will organize a conference on bi-directional influence of AI processing of emotional and bio-data on current and future regulations.
6 June 2023
University of Lapland, Yliopistonkatu 8, FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND
Lecture room LS2 / Online (Teams)
Scope and aims
- To engage into thorough discussions amongst scholars from different disciplines on legal and ethical considerations concerning the introduction of sensitive human-related technologies, as AI and Biotech applications
- To discuss regulations and ethical guidelines concerning intrusive technologies and related to the interaction between human actors, AI and industry concerning the use of sensitive bio-related and emotional data.
- To question whether empathy and privacy are essential in human and human–AI industry relations and society in general and whether and to what extent such can it be regulated.
Please sign up by sending an e-mail to mentioning ’June conference’ and whether you would like to participate physically on-site or online.
For on-site participation, the registration deadline has been extended until Monday, 29 May 2023.
Online participants can register until Friday, 2 June 2023.
Information for students
Students can gain 1 ECTS (either under the general optional studies, Code ONVAL9999 or OTMVAL9999, or in the course TBC) by attending the entire event and submitting a learning diary. The learning diary should summarise one key issue learned during the seminar. It should be around 5 pages (Times New Roman, 12) in length. It shall be sent to Rosa Ballardini ( and Rob van den Hoven van Genderen ( by TBC.
10.00–10.10 Welcome / Dean of the Law Faculty
10.10–10.40 Introduction, Emotional data and AI, a legal Enigma? / Rosa Ballardini & Rob van den Hoven van Genderen (ULap)
10.40–11.10 When AI gets emotional, does the GDPR apply? / Arno Lodder (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam)
11.10–11.40 A Duty of Loyalty for Emotion Data / Woodrow Hartzog (Uni Boston)
11.40–12.00 Reflections on morning session / Olli Pitkänen (ULap)
12.00–13.00 Lunch break
13.00–13.15 Socio-Digital Vulnerability: When Machines Take Advantage / Ryan Calo (University of Washington) (video)
13.15–13.45 Talking to strangers. On people-machine communication and the automated detection of online solicitation of children/ Hingh, A.E. de (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
13.45–14.15 Damage caused by Emotional AI – Do existing and planned liability rules provide sufficient protection? / Béatrice Schütte (Ulap)
14.15–14.45 Coffee break
14.45–15.30 Panel discussion: ‘Are empathy and privacy essential in human and human- AI Industry relations and society in general? Can it be regulated?’
Panelists: Arno Lodder, Hingh, A.E. de, Woodrow Hartzog, Béatrice Schütte
Moderator: Rob van den Hoven van Genderen
Arno Lodder
Woodrow Hartzog
Ryan Calo
Hingh, A.E. de
Arno Lodder is a professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Department Transnational Legal Studies, Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute.
In his research and lecturing he focuses on topics related to law and
internet, such as liability, contracting, security, privacy, freedom of
speech, cybercrime; and phenomena related to algorithms, AI, internet of
things, smart devices and apps. He has published over 30 (co-)edited
and (co-)authored books, such as DiaLaw: On Legal Justification and Dialogical Models of Argumentation (1999),
Information Technology and Lawyers. Advanced Technology in the Legal
Domain (2006), Enhanced Dispute Resolution Through the Use of Information Technology (2010), Cyberlaw in the Netherlands (2016), and EU Regulation of E-commerce, 2nd edition (2022).
Woodrow Hartzog is a Professor of Law and Class of
1960 Scholar at Boston University School of Law. He is also a Faculty
Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at
Harvard University, a Non-resident Fellow at The Cordell Institute for
Policy in Medicine & Law at Washington University, and an Affiliate
Scholar at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School.
He is the author of Privacy’s Blueprint: The Battle to Control the
Design of New Technologies, published in 2018 by Harvard University
Press, and the co-author of Breached! Why Data Security Law Fails and
How to Improve It, published in 2022 by Oxford University Press.
Ryan Calo is the Lane Powell and D. Wayne Gittinger
Professor at the University of Washington School of Law. He is a
founding co-director of the interdisciplinary UW Tech Policy Lab and a
co-founder of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Professor Calo holds
a joint appoint at the Information School and an adjunct appointment at
the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. His
research on law and emerging technology appears in leading law reviews
(California Law Review, Columbia Law Review, Duke Law Journal, UCLA Law
Review, and University of Chicago Law Review) and technical publications
(MIT Press, Nature, Artificial Intelligence) and is frequently
referenced by the media.
Hingh, A.E. de is an assistant professor of Internet
law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and member of the Amsterdam Law
and Technology Institute (VU). She teaches multiple Cybercrime courses
and does research on the history of Dutch legislation on automation,
robots and computers.
Further information
Rob van den Hoven van Genderen,
Rosa Ballardini,