• Call for Applications now open: International School “Indigenous Rights, Responsibilities and Ethics”

    2.4.2024 13:20

    The call for applications for the International School “Indigenous Rights, Responsibilities and Ethics” is now open.

  • ValueBioMat funding continued by the Strategic Research Council

    21.6.2022 13:30

    Multidisciplinary ValueBioMat research project has been granted continued funding from the Strategic Research Council, established within the Academy of Finland. It studies how the whole value chain of plastic production and use could be made more sustainable. The Faculty of Law at the University of Lapland is one of the project partners, together with Aalto University, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

    It received funding of 2,000,810 euros for another three years' period during 2022–2025. The funding for the University of Lapland's project package, led by the Director of the LTDT Research Group, Professor Rosa Maria Ballardini, is 283,334 euros. In addition to Professor Rosa Maria Ballardini, the research team studying the legislative and policy actions includes Postdoctoral Researchers Anette Alén-Savikko, Jenna Päläs and Juha Vesala, and Researchers Emmanuel Salami, Corinna Casi and Mikko Kaunisvaara.

    More information in English and in Finnish.

  • Business Finland funding for legal study of emotionally intelligent services

    1.6.2022 12:30

    Professor Rosa Maria Ballardini and Professor of Practice Rob van den Hoven van Genderen – both affiliated with the LTDT Research Group – have received a Business Finland funding of 351,500 euros as a part of a research consortium which will study and develop physical spaces with emotionally aware, intelligent, and integrated services. Within the project, they will focus on the legal and ethical concerns which are affiliated with such technologies.

  • Strategic Funding to LTDT Researchers

    3.3.2022 15:30

    The University of Lapland has granted strategic funding to five projects that support the University strategy implementation plan through its three strategic choices: global Arctic responsibility, future services and reachability, and sustainable tourism. Two of these funded projects are led by the Faculty of Law, with members from the LTDT Research Group, namely, the projects PromoTing Sustainable PRactices for Digitalizing IndigenoUS CulTural Heritage - Global North and South Juxtaposed (TRUST) (PI: Rosa Ballardini) and the project Regulating the Sustainability Transition of the Transport and Mobility System in the Arctic (ARCTIC TRANSIT) (PI: Jukka Similä).

    Public descriptions of the projects:

    TRUST: TRUST strengthens research in the Global North and South by concentrating on interdisciplinary groups processing practices for digitalizing Indigenous cultural heritage (CH). There is lack of holistic understanding and of workable solutions for how to navigate the legal and cultural tensions existing with the processes of digitilizing Indigenous CH in an ethical way. Legal frameworks, like IPR, fall short of offering a regime that is respectful of ethical principles that are central for Indigenous Peoples, while maintaining the incentive purpose the IP system was built for in the first place. To build TRUST we need to further develop the law so that it represents the interests of all parties involved in a balanced way. To reach this goal, the project applies educational methods and research to enable integration of the views of marginalised groups in law and develops socially innovative tools of engagement to promote knowledge co-creation amongst the stakeholders.

    ARCTIC TRANSIT: Fighting climate change requires changing systems of production and consumption, transport and mobility being one such system. These changes are called sustainability transitions. With the Green Deal, the European Union seeks a sustainability transition of the transport and mobility system. While decisions on this transition are made at the European level, the effects are seen on the local level. Furthermore, due to the particular conditions of the Arctic a similar transport and mobility system is not feasible there as might be in European capitals. This project first identifies the local barriers, risks and solutions of this transitions in the Arctic. As law has a central role in the transition, the project then analyses how does current legislation affect sustainability transitions and what type of legislation Finland and the European Union should have in place in order to achieve the transition effectively yet in a manner that is considerate of the local situation at the Arctic.

    Contact persons:

    TRUST: Rosa Maria Ballardini, Professor of Intellectual Property Law

    ARTIC TRANSIT: Jukka Similä, Research Professor of Natural Resources and Law

    (E-mail addresses: firstname.surname@ulapland.fi)

  • Greeting Address for IRI§22 – 25 Years IRIS

    21.2.2022 15:00

    Professor emeritus Ahti Saarenpää, Honorary Chair of the Institute for Law and Informatics, has written a Greeting Address to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of IRIS, one of the most important yearly events in the field of legal informatics in Europe. The Greeting Address will be published in the Proceedings of the 25th Internation Legal Informatics Symposion IRI§22.

    To celebrate 25 years of IRIS, the text is now also available on the web page of the Institute for Law and Informatics. To honor the bilingual traditions of the event itself, the text is published both in English and in German.

    Read Professor Saarenpää's Greeting Address.


  • Heidi Härkönen succesfully defends her doctoral dissertation 'Fashion and Copyright: Protection as a Tool to Foster Sustainable Development'

    15.9.2021 10:30

    Protecting fashion designs by copyright has been challenging. This has enabled large-scale copying of designs, which in turn has contributed to 'fast fashion' – a phenomenon that causes damage to the environment, human rights and cultural values. In her doctoral dissertation in the field of law, Heidi Härkönen states that copyright is one of the several legal means at our disposal to foster sustainable development of fashion.

    LTDT Group Member Heidi Härkönen successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on Friday, 10 September 2021. Professor Rosa Maria Ballardini (University of Lapland, LTDT Director) acted as the custos. Professor Katja Weckström from the University of Eastern Finland and Professor Eleonora Rosati from Stockholm University acted as opponents.

    Read more about Heidi's research in the dissertation release. The full dissertation is available at the institutional repository of the University of Lapland, Lauda.

    Heidi Härkönen: Fashion and Copyright: Protection as a Tool to Foster Sustainable Development. Acta electronica Universitatis Lapponiensis 311, ISSN 1796-6310, ISBN 978-952-337-265-8.
    Permanent link: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-337-265-8

  • Regional Council of Lapland grants ERDF funding for the LappiSat project

    10.6.2021 13:00

    The Regional Council of Lapland has granted funding from the European Regional Development Fund for the LappiSat project. The funding decision was made in April. The project aims at constructing an aurora satellite intended for scientific exploration, and will run between 1.1.2021 and 31.3.2023.

    The project is headed by University of Oulu, namely the Geophysical Observatory in Sodankylä. At the University of Lapland, The Institute of Air and Space Law as well as the LTDT Research Group will participate by exploring the legal ramifications of operating satellites from Finland.

    Contact persons at the University of Lapland:

    Lotta Viikari (professor public international law)
    Mikko T. Huttunen (postdoctoral scholar)

    (E-mail addresses: firstname.surname@ulapland.fi)

  • Juha Vesala appointed as co-director of IPR University Center

    23.10.2020 13:40

    Juha Vesala from the University of Lapland, a member of the LTDT research group, and Tuomas Mylly from the University of Turku have been appointed as co-directors of the IPR University Center.

    IPR University Center (ipruc.fi) is a joint institute of six Finnish universities and is hosted by Hanken School of Economics. Its activities are sponsored by the IPR University Center Association. Member Universities are Hanken School of Economics, University of Helsinki, University of Turku, Aalto University, University of Eastern Finland and University of Lapland.

    Juha Vesala and Tuomas Mylly's term as co-directors starts on 1 November 2020 and ends at the end of 2025. Congrats!

    More info (in Finnish): https://iprinfo.fi/uutiset/ipr-university-centeriin-kaksi-uutta-johtajaa/.

  • Emmanuel Salami's half-way doctoral defense

    19.10.2020 13:30

    The half-way review of LTDT group member Emmanuel Salami's Ph.D. project will take place on November 13th, 2020, 14.00-16.00 via Microsoft Teams.

    The opponent will be Professor Burkhard Schafer from the University of Edinburgh.

    Participation link (Microsoft Teams)

    About Emmanuel Salami's Ph.D. project:


    BACKGROUND: This article-based research examines the relationship between data protection and intellectual property law in the use of AI. In ascribing IP rights to AI, non-personal data may be re-identifiable thereby making data protection law applicable. Based on these concerns, the research considers the possibility of revisiting the definition of personal data and its effectiveness in the age of AI.

  • Academy of Finland funding for SHARE project

    15.9.2020 9:40

    The Academy of Finland has granted funding to the Faculty of Law at the University of Lapland for the consortium research project ‘Shaping, Fixing and Making Markets via IPR: Regulating Sustainable Innovation Ecosystems (SHARE)’. The SHARE project received funding for 560.000 euro in total, of which 280.000 euros goes to the University of Lapland, Faculty of Law. The project is a consortium between the Helsinki University/Faculty of Law (Prof. Taina Pihlajarinne/project PI and Prof. Jukka Mähönen/sub-project PI) and the University of Lapland/Faculty of Law (Associate Prof. Rosa Maria Ballardini/sub-project PI).

    The SHARE project explores the emerging need for embedding ‘strong’ environmental sustainability in the IPR- and finance-related regulation of the innovation ecosystem of sustainable technologies, like climate change mitigation technologies. We critically assess the role of IP and finance laws in creating incentives for developing and promoting diffusion of sustainable innovations via closely looking into three main stages of the CCMTs’ innovation ecosystem: 1) financing (market shaping), 2) regulating the process (market fixing), and 3) sharing, licensing and transferring (market making) the innovations. Overall, SHARE will develop a comprehensive academic study, comprising also of concrete recommendations, for how Europe could lead the transformation towards a more sustainable market economy.

    The project starts in September 2020.

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