
University of Lapland to gradually open its doors in autumn: New students a priority


The university operations are gradually resumed, and the new academic year is started by following the directions given by the authorities.

The coronavirus situation permitting, our personnel may return to work in the premises as of the beginning of August. You may also work remotely, if you are able to do so. These instructions are valid until the end of October.

New students start studying on the campus

New students are introduced to university studies in the premises and their teaching is provided as contact teaching. Attention will be paid to the 50-person limit per teaching space.

To commit new students to their subject and the university community, the academic subjects receive their new students in the university premises, introduce them to studies, and teach them in the premises by adhering to safety instructions. However, the part of orientation given to all new students is arranged online.

Teaching arrangements

Regarding those who continue their studies, only the part of teaching that is necessary to provide as contact teaching will be provided as such until the end of October. In contact teaching, attention will be paid to the 50-person limit per teaching space.

The faculties and the Language Centre make their teaching-specific decisions and inform students of them by 7 August.

General exams will not be arranged in the exam spaces during the autumn term. As of 1 August, the EXAM rooms are taken into use more extensively by adhering to safety instructions (one exam per machine per day, exam time from 10:00 to 14:00).

Working on the campus

The teaching and research personnel may work remotely if the tasks do not require their presence in the premises. When using the premises, you must abide by the current 50-person limit per space (50 persons as of 1 June), sufficient safety distances, and proper hygiene.

You do not need separate permission to work on campus, but you are to discuss with your supervisor when your work involves teaching and research groups functioning in the premises, or other gatherings. This information is needed to trace infection chains.

The safe return of risk group members is ensured by consultation from occupational health services until the end of October.

When working on the campus, you are to use your own work space whenever possible. Do not enter the campus if you are ill or have respiratory symptoms!

International mobility

Immigration regulation permitting, it is possible to engage in exchange studies and practice (incoming and outgoing). However, virtual exchange is recommended. Online teaching is recommended for international master’s programs during the autumn term. International degree students are also entitled to postpone the start of their studies by one year.

Public defences of dissertations

Public defences can be arranged in the premises as of 1 August by keeping safe distances and by respecting the limits concerning the number of persons per event.


Research can be carried out in the premises if required by the work. The number of personnel in the premises at a time is limited. You must also follow the relevant safety and health instructions and the limits concerning the number of persons per event.

If you can do your research-related analyses and writing remotely, you are still advised to do so. Group meetings are held online.

University premises

The university is open during the opening hours. Students’ keys (24/7) have been deactivated for the time being.


The library opens its doors as of 3 August, and take-away borrowing is only offered to risk group members. You may visit the library only during its opening hours. Each separate space in the library can contain a maximum of 50 persons at a time.

Further instructions on the opening hours and library use is available on the LUC Library web pages.

Conferences, seminars, and travelling

For the time being, conferences and seminars are arranged online. As for the restrictions on the number of participants, national recommendations are followed. Thus, a maximum of 50 persons can attend an event at a time. Larger gatherings and events are arranged online or they are rescheduled for a later time. All event arrangements are made case by case.

If you are going to travel, you need your profit unit director’s permission and you must follow general safety instructions. When travelling abroad, act as instructed by the authorities.


National guidelines are followed regarding the university restaurants.

Further information

Antti Syväjärvi, Rector, Antti.Syvajarvi(at) 040 060 6244
Ari Konu, Director of Administration, Ari.Konu(at) 040 735 2007