GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and other similar artificial intelligence-based text editors or text generators—generally referred to as large language models (LLM)—are interactive artificial intelligence-based applications that can be used to generate content based on user input. Artificial intelligence-based generators can be used to produce, for example, written text, images, sound, and video. The University of Lapland’s guidelines on the use of language models cover all the modes of expression mentioned above.
The University’s guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence-based tools have been outlined by the University of Lapland’s Teaching Management and Development Committee and addressed by the Strategic Steering Committee during spring 2023. The focus of the University’s guidelines is on critical and reflective use of artificial intelligence-based tools. A language model should be thought of in positive terms as a useful tool that can bring advantages. The use of language models is allowed, provided that the user, for example in connection with submission of an assignment, explains how language models have been used when completing the assignment. However, language models must not be used for producing the final content of an assignment or a thesis, and content created using a language model must not be presented as the student’s own work. Teachers may deviate from the recommendations, but the students must be clearly informed of any exceptions to the guidelines and the reasons for the exception must be clearly stated at the beginning of the course.