9:30–10:00 Registration & coffee (entry hall, F-building)
10:00–10:15 Welcome address (Esko & Asko hall, F-building)
Osmo Rätti, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Lapland
Keynote title: Doctoral education in Europe: Preparing early-stage researchers to address our common future. (Esko & Asko hall, F-building)
Keynote speaker: Alexander Hasgall, Head of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE). The keynote will be held remotely.
Panel discussion: What will doctoral education look like in 2032? (Esko & Asko hall, F-building)
Moderator: Research Professor Kamrul Hossain, Arctic Centre.
• Pirjo Nikander, Research Director, Doctoral School, Tampere University
• Auni Haapala, Doctoral Researcher, University of Lapland
• Juha Himanka, Chair of Doctoral Programme Board, University of Lapland
[lunch break, own cost]
Panel discussion: How could we together build good pathways for communication and interaction in the academic community? (Esko & Asko hall, F-building)
Moderator: Service Manager, PhD Minna Söderqvist, Aalto University.
• Sanna Vehviläinen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland
• Vesna Holubek, Doctoral Researcher, Tampere University
• Tiina Kotti, Planning Officer, Aalto University
• Jouko Nuottila, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Lapland
[short transfer break]
Parallel mini-sessions (A–B) with short presentations on good practice:
A. What characterizes a good orientation? (F2059)
Host: Planning Officer Tiina Kotti, Aalto University
B. What can be achieved through dialogue between supervisors? (F4014)
Host: Professor, Director of Graduate School Pirjo Nuutila, University of Turku
Poster exhibition on development work of doctoral education at Finnish universities (F-hub, meeting room)
[short transfer break]
Thank you and closing words over coffee (restaurant Petronella, F-building)
Osmo Rätti, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Lapland
Evening programme:
Free entry to the art exhibition in Korundi House of Culture (address: Lapinkävijäntie 4)
- guided tour offered to conference participants (more info coming up)
18:00–20:00 Conference dinner, payable upon registration (52,50 euros) (Korundi House of Culture, address: Lapinkävijäntie 4)