The Director of the Institute (since April 2009) is Ms. Lotta Viikari, who also serves as Professor of Public International Law at the University of Lapland. She holds the degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Lapland, the degree of Licentiate of Administrative Sciences from the University of Joensuu, and a Master´s Degree in Law from the University of Lapland.
Dr. Viikari has published especially in the areas of space law, international environmental law, and law of the sea. Her publications include three monographs of which The Environmental Element in Space Law: Assessing the Present and Charting the Future (Studies in Space Law, Vol. 3, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden/Boston, 2008) has been awarded the Social Science Book Award of the International Academy of Astronautics in 2009 and the Finnish Lawyers´ Society Award for the best legal PhD dissertation in Finland in 2007.
Dr. Viikari is the National Point of Contact in Finland for the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL).
Professor Lotta Viikari
email: Lotta.Viikari (at)
Institute of Air and Space Law
Faculty of Law
University of Lapland
PB 122
96101 Rovaniemi