In March 2020, the PANDA-project sent a few bilateral invitations to social work institutions to collect parallel diary data. However, it soon became apparent that several social work research institutions were of great interest in research on social work during and after the pandemic.
As a result, the PANDA project, with the assistance of IASSW, issued a general invitation and brought together an extensive network of international social work researchers. The network, consisting of more than 40 social work researchers from 30 different countries, is called the COVID-19 Social Work Research Forum.
The purpose of the forum is to promote research on social work during and after the pandemic, to provide opportunities for international research cooperation and to coordinate the activities of the network. A virtual MS Teams platform to organize COVID-19 Social Work Research Forum activities was established in April 2020. The first online meeting of the Forum was held 24th of April, 2020. In social media we use #COVID19SWRF
Joint to the research Forum!
If you are interested in joining the Forum, please, send your request to Professor Timo Harrikari (