Wednesday November 9, 2022
8.30–9.00 Registration and coffee
University of Lapland, F-Wing, Restaurant Petronella
Esko & Asko Hall
9.00–9.20 Welcome
Heli Ruokamo, Vice Dean for Research, Professor, University of Lapland
Antti Syväjärvi, Rector, University of Lapland
9.20–9.30 Petri Nokelainen, Professor, OTTU ry, Journal of Professional and Vocational Education, editor-in-chief
9.30–10.15 Improving the standing and status of vocational education in digitalized world
Keynote Stephen Billett, Professor, Griffith University, Australia
10.15–10.30 Break
10.30–12.00 Parallel sessions 1
12.00–13.00 Lunch, Restaurant Petronella
Esko & Asko Hall
13.00–13.45 Miten Digivisio 2030 muuttaa suomalaista korkeakoulutusta?
Keynote Jari Multisilta, President and Managing Director, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
13.45–14.00 Break
14.00–15.30 Parallel sessions 2
15.30–15.45 Coffee break
15.45– Leave to visits
16.00–18.15 Visits to Lapland University of Applied Sciences and Lapland Education Center REDU.
REDU, Jokiväylä 9, learning environments
- Learning entrepreneurial skills in partnerships with VET and local business
- Flight Simulator Airbus A320
- Multimedia and Digi-Tutor
Lapland UAS, Jokiväylä 11, learning environments
- Smart Production Environment
- Biolabra BioLab
- Telecare Classroom
- Arctic Valley – business learning environment
Restaurant Petronella:
18.30–20.00 Evening Reception and Dinner
Poster Exhibition
Article of the Year Award, OTTU ry., Maarit Virolainen