When you receive a secure email message from a Ulapland address

The University of Lapland has a service available which allows you to send a secure email message even to recipients outside the University. When you receive a confidential email message from a ulapland address, you will receive a notification in your email. The message can be read by clicking on the link in the notification.

This is what the notification looks like (click to enlarge the image):

ilmoitus luottamuksellinen.png 

Sometimes the sender of a message may require you to identify yourself. If this is the case, you will receive a message asking you to open the secure message using a PIN code. The PIN code will be sent to you automatically in an SMS.

When you have received a secure message requiring a PIN code, you will get a notification like the following:

Suojattu posti PIN code.jpg

Detailed instructions on receiving and replying to secure messages can be found here



After you have read a secured message

When you have read a secured message, you will see a window like the following. Please note that if you plan to go back and read the message later, you have to set a password before closing the message. You will need the password to read it again later.

Suojattu posti logout.jpg

Sending a secure message to Ulapland addresses

The service that the University uses makes it possible to receive confidential email messages and attachments even if the sender does not have an encrypting email application. If you want to send a confidential email message to a recipient in the University, go to the following address:


Enter your email address in the Sender field and click Continue.

A page will open where you can write a confidential email message and add attachments securely.

More detailed directions on using the service can be found at:

How to send a secured e-mail