Professor Hilda Borko,
School of Education, Stanford University, USA
The use of video as a tool for professional development and research on teacher learning
Professor Borko’s research explores:
1) the process of learning to teach with an emphasis on changes in teachers’ knowledge, beliefs about teaching and learning, and classroom practices as they participate in professional-development programs;
2) learning to lead professional development, and
3) the measurement of instructional practices.
Within the Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, Professor Borko is a Co-Principal Investigator on two Research-Practice Partnerships funded by the National Science Foundation.
The Problem-Solving Cycle (PSC) project works with middle school math leaders in San Francisco. One goal is to field test the PSC professional development model and the Teacher Leadership Preparation model. A second is to build the school district’s capacity to conduct math professional development using these two models.
The Improving Practice Together (IPT) project is a partnership with Lawrence Hall of Science and a local district to improve science teaching and learning in elementary schools. The project aims to adapt the PRACTISE model of professional development and develop approaches to preparing science teacher leaders.
She holds a BA in Psychology, an MA in the Philosophy of Education, and a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles. In 2004 she was a president of AERA, American Educational Research Association.
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