Professor Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK
Presentation title: Mobile and Intelligent Assistants in Education
Agnes Kukulska-Hulme is Professor of Learning Technology and Communication in the Institute of Educational Technology. She has been working in mobile learning since 2001, leading research projects investigating learning innovation in the UK and internationally. She is Past-President of the International Association for Mobile Learning (2010-13), and serves on several Editorial Boards including the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. Invited scholarships and keynotes include a Visiting Scholarship at the University of Technology, Sydney; keynotes at ICCE 2009 in Hong Kong, mLearn 2010 in Malta, IADIS Mobile Learning 2012 in Berlin, ED-MEDIA 2012 in Denver, UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2013 in Paris, Games and Mobile Learning 2014 in Coimbra, ChinaCALL2014 in Beijing, GloCALL2015 in Daejeon.
Agnes has led numerous projects investigating innovative and emergent practice with learning technologies in post-16 education, recently as part of the European MOTILL project on mobile technologies in lifelong learning, the MASELTOV project on smart and personalized technologies for social inclusion of immigrants and the British Council project on Mobile Pedagogy for English Language Teaching. Her original discipline background is in foreign language teaching and learning and from this perspective she has a long standing research interest in effective communication with technology and the experiences of non-technical users. Her research interests include human factors in technology adoption, formal and informal language learning, and lifelong learning.
Within The Open University, Agnes has served in various management and leadership roles as Associate Director (Learning and Teaching), Associate Director (Academic Professional Development), Deputy Director IET, Co-Head of the Technology Enhanced Learning Group, Programme Lead for Next Generation Distance Learning and Innovating Pedagogy and Convener of the Technology and Learning Research Group.