Vice-Dean, responsible for research Professor Cultural Economy Tel. +358 40 525 0849
Vice-Dean, responsible for teaching and societal interaction Associate Professor Social Sciences Tel. +358 40 484 4227
Office staff >
Chair Dean, Professor Merja Laitinen Members and deputy members
Group II Teachers, researchers and other staff Wallenius-Korkalo Sandra, deputy member Markuksela Vesa Vakkala Hanna, deputy member Hakkarainen Maria Oinas Pirjo, deputy member Jääskeläinen Pauliina
Group III Students Liukkonen Joel, 1. deputy member Meriläinen Iikka Vuorimäki Viljo, 2. deputy member Pöllänen Jesse Sihvola Kiira, 3. deputy member Räsänen-Ala-Aho Marja-Leena
Secretary of Faculty Council Administrative Secretary Sirpa Hast Tel. +358 40 484 4173
Administrative Manager
Tel. +358 400 425 492 Office: A-wing, 2nd floor
Administrative Secretary
Tel. +358 40 484 4173 Office: A-wing, 2nd floor
Head of Study Affairs
Tel. +358 40 484 4211 Office: A-wing, 2nd floor
Education Specialist
Tel. +358 40 484 4465 Office: A-wing, 2nd floor
Tel. +358 40 627 8665 Office: A-wing, 2nd floor
Tel. +358 40 152 4083 Office: A-wing, 2nd floor